CKEditor Changelog
CKEditor 3.0.2
New features:
- #4343 : Added the configuration option 'browserContextMenuOnCtrl' so it's possible to enable the default browser context menu by holding the CTRL key.
Fixed issues:
- #4552 : Fixed float panel doesn't show up since editor instanced been destroyed once.
- #3918 : Fixed fake object is editable with Image dialog.
- #4053 : Fixed 'Form Properties' missing from context menu when selection collapsed inside form.
- #4401 : Fixed customized by removing 'upload' tab page from 'Link dialog' cause JavaScript error.
- #4477 : Adding missing tag names in object style elements.
- #4567 : Fixed IE throw error when pressing BACKSPACE in source mode.
- #4573 : Fixed 'IgnoreEmptyPargraph' config doesn't work with the config 'entities' is set to 'false'.
- #4614 : Fixed attribute protection fails because of line-break.
- #4546 : Fixed UIColor plugin doesn't work when editor id contains CSS selector preserved keywords.
- #4609 : Fixed flash object is lost when loading data from outside editor.
- #4625 : Fixed editor stays visible in a div with style 'visibility:hidden'.
- #4621 : Fixed clicking below table caused an empty table been generated.
- #3373 : Fixed empty context menu when there's no menu item at all.
- #4473 : Fixed setting rules on the same element tag name throws error.
- #4514 : Fixed press 'Back' button breaks wysiwyg editing mode is Firefox.
- #4542 : Fixed unable to access buttons using tab key in Safari and Opera.
- #4577 : Fixed relative link url is broken after opening 'Link' dialog.
- #4597 : Fixed custom style with same attribute name but different attribute value doesn't work.
- #4651 : Fixed 'Deleted' and 'Inserted' text style is not rendering in wysiwyg mode and is wrong is source mode.
- #4654 : Fixed 'CKEDITOR.config.font_defaultLabel(fontSize_defaultLabel)' is not working.
- #3950 : Fixed table column insertion incorrect when selecting empty cell area.
- #3912 : Fixed UIColor not working in IE when page has more than 30+ editors.
- #4031 : Fixed mouse cursor on toolbar combo has more than 3 shapes.
- #4041 : Fixed open context menu on multiple cells to remove them result in only one removed.
- #4185 : Fixed resize handler effect doesn't affect flash object on output.
- #4196 : Fixed 'Remove Numbered/Bulleted List' on nested list doesn't work well on nested list.
- #4200 : Fixed unable to insert 'password' type filed with attributes.
- #4530 : Fixed context menu couldn't open in Opera.
- #4536 : Fixed keyboard navigation doesn't work at all in IE quirks mode.
- #4584 : Fixed updated link Target field is not updating when updating to certain values.
- #4603 : Fixed unable to disable submenu items in contextmenu.
- #4672 : Fixed unable to redo the insertion of horizontal line.
- #4677 : Fixed 'Tab' key is trapped by hidden dialog elements.
- #4073 : Fixed insert template with replace option could result in empty document.
- #4455 : Fixed unable to start editing when image inside document not loaded.
- #4517 : Fixed 'dialog_backgroundCoverColor' doesn't work on IE6.
- #3165 : Fixed enter key in empty list item before nested one result in collapsed line.
- #4527 : Fixed checkbox generate invalid 'checked' attribute.
- #1659 : Fixed unable to click below content to start editing in IE with 'config.docType' setting to standard compliant.
- #3933 : Fixed extra <br> left at the end of document when the last element is a table.
- #4736 : Fixed PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys in standards mode are not working.
- #4725 : Fixed hitting 'enter' before html comment node produces a JavaScript error.
- #4522 : Fixed unable to redo when typing after insert an image with relative url.
- #4594 : Fixed context menu goes off-screen when mouse is at right had side of screen.
- #4673 : Fixed undo not available straight away if shift key is used to enter first character.
- #4690 : Fixed the parsing of nested inline elements.
- #4450 : Fixed selecting multiple table cells before apply justify commands generates spurious paragraph in Firefox.
- #4733 : Fixed dialog opening sometimes hang up Firefox and Safari.
- #4498 : Fixed toolbar collapse button missing tooltip.
- #4738 : Fixed inserting table inside bold/italic/underline generates error on ENTER_BR mode.
- #4246 : Fixed avoid XHTML deprecated attributes for image styling.
- #4543 : Fixed unable to move cursor between table and hr.
- #4764 : Fixed wrong exception message when CKEDITOR.editor.append() to non-existing elements.
- #4521 : Fixed dialog layout in IE6/7 may have scroll-bar and other weird effects.
- #4709 : Fixed inconsistent scroll-bar behavior on IE.
- #4776 : Fixed preview page failed to open when relative URl contains in document.
- #4812 : Fixed 'Esc' key not working on dialogs in Opera.
- Updated the following language files:
CKEditor 3.0.1
New features:
- #4219 : Added fallback mechanism for config.language.
- #4194 : Added support for using multiple css style sheets within the editor.
Fixed issues:
- #3898 : Added validation for URL value in Image dialog.
- #3528 : Fixed Context Menu issue when triggered using Shift+F10.
- #4028 : Maximize control's tool tip was wrong once it is maximized.
- #4237 : Toolbar is chopped off in Safari browser 3.x.
- #4241 : Float panels are left on screen while editor is destroyed.
- #4274 : Double click event is incorrect handled in 'divreplace' sample.
- #4354 : Fixed TAB key on toolbar to not focus disabled buttons.
- #3856 : Fixed focus and blur events in source view mode.
- #3438 : Floating panels are off by (-1px, 0px) in RTL mode.
- #3370 : Refactored use of CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain().
- #4230 : HC detection caused js error.
- #3978 : Fixed setStyle float on IE7 strict.
- #4262 : Tab and Shift+Tab was not working to cycle through CTRL+SHIFT+F10 context menu in IE.
- #3633 : Default context menu isn't disabled in toolbar, status bar, panels...
- #3897 : Now there is no image previews when the URL is empty in image dialog.
- #4048 : Context submenu was lacking uiColor.
- #3568 : Dialogs now select all text when tabbing to text inputs.
- #3727 : Cell Properties dialog was missing color selection option.
- #3517 : Fixed "Match cyclic" field in Find & Replace dialog.
- #4368 : borderColor table cell attribute haven't worked for none-IE
- #4203 : In IE quirks mode + toolbar collapsed + source mode editing block height was incorrect.
- #4387 : Fixed: right clicking in Kama skin can lead to a javascript error.
- #4397 : Wysiwyg mode caused the host page scroll.
- #4385 : Fixed editor's auto adjusting on DOM structure were confusing the dirty checking mechanism.
- #4397 : Fixed regression of [3816] where turn on design mode was causing Firefox3 to scroll the host page.
- #4254 : Added basic API sample.
- #4107 : Normalize css font-family style text for correct comparision.
- #3664 : Insert block element in empty editor document should not create new paragraph.
- #4037 : 'id' attribute is missing with Flash dialog advanced page.
- #4047 : Delete selected control type element when 'Backspace' is pressed on it.
- #4191 : Fixed: dialog changes confirmation on image dialog appeared even when no changes have been made.
- #4351 : Dash and dot could appear in attribute names.
- #4355 : 'maximize' and 'showblock' commands shouldn't take editor focus.
- #4504 : Fixed 'Enter'/'Esc' key is not working on dialog button.
- #4245 : 'Strange Template' now come with a style attribute for width.
- #4512 : Fixed styles plugin incorrectly adding semicolons to style text.
- #3855 : Fixed loading unminified _source files when ckeditor_source.js is used.
- #3717 : Dialog settings defaults can now be overridden in-page through the CKEDITOR.config object.
- #4481 : The 'stylesCombo_stylesSet' configuration entry didn't work for full URLs.
- #4480 : Fixed scope attribute in th.
- #4467 : Fixed bug to use custom icon in context menus. Thanks to george.
- #4190 : Fixed select field dialog layout in Safari.
- #4518 : Fixed unable to open dialog without editor focus in IE.
- #4519 : Fixed maximize without editor focus throw error in IE.
- Updated the following language files:
CKEditor 3.0
New features:
- #3188 : Introduce
<pre> formatting feature when converting from other blocks.
- #4445 : editor::setData now support an optional callback parameter.
Fixed issues:
- #2856 : Fixed problem with inches in Paste From Word plugin.
- #3929 : Using Paste dialog,
the text is pasted into current selection
- #3920 : Mouse cursor over characters in
Special Character dialog now is correct
- #3882 : Fixed an issue
with PasteFromWord dialog in which default values was ignored
- #3859 : Fixed Flash dialog layout in Webkit
- #3852 : Disabled textarea resizing in dialogs
- #3831 : The attempt to remove the contextmenu plugin
will not anymore break the editor
- #3781 : Colorbutton is now disabled in 'source' mode
- #3848 : Fixed an issue with Webkit in witch
elements in the Image and Link dialogs had wrong dimensions.
- #3808 : Fixed UI Color Picker dialog size in example page.
- #3658 : Editor had horizontal scrollbar in IE6.
- #3819 : The cursor was not visible
when applying style to collapsed selections in Firefox 2.
- #3809 : Fixed beam cursor
when mouse cursor is over text-only buttons in IE.
- #3815 : Fixed an issue
with the form dialog in which the "enctype" attribute is outputted as "encoding".
- #3785 : Fixed an issue
in which incorrectly outputs in IE8.
- #3820 : Fixed an issue in
bullet list command in which a list created at the bottom of another gets merged to the top.
- #3830 : Table cell properties dialog
doesn't apply to all selected cells.
- #3835 : Element path is not refreshed
after click on 'newpage'; and safari is not putting focus on document also.
- #3821 : Fixed an issue with JAWS in which
toolbar items are read inconsistently between virtual cursor modes.
- #3789 : The "src" attribute
was getting duplicated in some situations.
- #3591 : Protecting flash related elements
including '<object>', '<embed>' and '<param>'.
- #3759 : Fixed CKEDITOR.dom.element::scrollIntoView
logic bug which scroll even element is inside viewport.
- #3773 : Fixed remove list will merge lines.
- #3829 : Fixed remove empty link on output data.
- #3730 : Indent is performing on the whole
block instead of selected lines in enterMode = BR.
- #3844 : Fixed UndoManager register keydown on obsoleted document
- #3805 : Enabled SCAYT plugin for IE.
- #3834 : Context menu on table caption was incorrect.
- #3812 : Fixed an issue in which the editor
may show up empty or uneditable in IE7, 8 and Firefox 3.
- #3825 : Fixed JS error when opening spellingcheck.
- #3862 : Fixed html parser infinite loop on certain malformed
source code.
- #3639 : Button size was inconsistent.
- #3874 : Paste as plain text in Safari loosing lines.
- #3849 : Fixed IE8 crashes when applying lists and indenting.
- #3876 : Changed dialog checkbox and radio labels to explicit labels.
- #3843 : Fixed context submenu position in IE 6 & 7 RTL.
- #3864 : [FF]Document is not editable after inserting element on a fresh page.
- #3883 : Fixed removing inline style logic incorrect on Firefox2.
- #3884 : Empty "href" attribute was duplicated on output data.
- #3858 : Fixed the issue where toolbars
break up in IE6 and IE7 after the browser is resized.
- #3868 : [chrome] SCAYT toolbar options was in reversed order.
- #3875 : Fixed an issue in Safari where
table row/column/cell menus are not useable when table cells are selected.
- #3896 : The editing area was
flashing when switching forth and back to source view.
- #3894 : Fixed an issue where editor failed to initialize when using the on-demand loading way.
- #3903 : Color button plugin doesn't read config entry from editor instance correctly.
- #3801 : Comments at the start of the document was lost in IE.
- #3871 : Unable to redo when undos to the front of snapshots stack.
- #3909 : Move focus from editor into a text input control is broken.
- #3870 : The empty paragraph
desappears when hitting ENTER after "New Page".
- #3887 : Fixed an issue in which the create
list command may leak outside of a selected table cell and into the rest of document.
- #3916 : Fixed maximize does not enlarge editor width when width is set.
- #3879 : [webkit] Color button panel had incorrect size on first open.
- #3839 : Update Scayt plugin to reflect the latest change from
- #3742 : Fixed wrong dialog layout for dialogs without tab bar in IE RTL mode .
- #3671 : Fixed body fixing should be applied to the real type under fake elements.
- #3836 : Fixed remove list in enterMode=BR will merge sibling text to one line.
- #3949 : Fixed enterKey within pre-formatted text introduce wrong line-break.
- #3878 : Whenever possible,
dialogs will not present scrollbars if the content is too big for its standard
- #3782 : Remove empty list in table cell result in collapsed cell.
- Updated the following language files:
- #3984 : [IE]The pre-formatted style is generating error.
- #3946 : Fixed unable to hide contextmenu.
- #3956 : Fixed About dialog in Source Mode for IE.
- #3953 : Fixed keystroke for close Paste dialog.
- #3951 : Reset size and lock ratio options were not accessible in Image dialog.
- #3921 : Fixed Container scroll issue on IE7.
- #3940 : Fixed list operation doesn't stop at table.
- #3891 : [IE] Fixed 'automatic' font color doesn't work.
- #3972 : Fixed unable to remove a single empty list in document in Firefox with enterMode=BR.
- #3973 : Fixed list creation error at the end of document.
- #3959 : Pasting styled text from word result in content lost.
- #3793 : Combined images into sprites.
- #3783 : Fixed indenting command in table cells create collapsed paragraph.
- #3968 : About dialog layout was broken with IE+Standards+RTL.
- #3991 : In IE quirks, text was not visible in v2 and office2003 skins.
- #3983 : In IE, we'll now
silently ignore wrong toolbar definition settings which have extra commas being
left around.
- Fixed the following test cases:
- #3992 : core/ckeditor2.html
- #4138 : core/plugins.html
- #3801 : plugins/htmldataprocessor/htmldataprocessor.html
- #3989 : Host page horizontal scrolling a lot when on having righ-to-left direction.
- #4001 : Create link around existing image result incorrect.
- #3988 : Destroy editor on form submit event cause error.
- #3994 : Insert horizontal line at end of document cause error.
- #4074 : Indent error with 'indentClasses' config specified.
- #4057 : Fixed anchor is lost after switch between editing modes.
- #3644 : Image dialog was missin radio lock.
- #4014 : Firefox2 had no dialog button backgrounds.
- #4018 : Firefox2 had no richcombo text visible.
- #4035 : [IE6] Paste dialog size was too small.
- #4049 : Kama skin was too wide with config.width.
- The following released files now doesn't require the _source folder
- #4086 : _samples/ui_languages.html
- #4093 : _tests/core/dom/document.html
- #4094 : Smiley plugin file
- #4097 : No undo/redo support for fontColor and backgroundColor buttons.
- #4085 : Paste and Paste from Word dialogs were not well styled in IE+RTL.
- #3982 : Fixed enterKey on empty list item result in weird dom structure.
- #4101 : Now it is possible to close dialog before gets focus.
- #4075 : [IE6/7]Fixed apply custom inline style with "class" attribute failed.
- #4087 : [Firefox]Fixed extra blocks created on create list when full document selected.
- #4097 : No undo/redo support for fontColor and backgroundColor buttons.
- #4111 : Fixed apply block style after inline style applied on full document error.
- #3622 : Fixed shift enter with selection not deleting highlighted text.
- #4092 : [IE6] Close button was missing for dialog without multiple tabs.
- #4003 : Markup on the image dialog was disrupted when removing the border input.
- #4096 : Editor content area was pushed down in IE RTL quirks.
- #4112 : [FF] Paste dialog had scrollbars in quirks.
- #4118 : Dialog dragging was
occasionally behaving strangely .
- #4077 : The toolbar combos
were rendering incorrectly in some languages, like Chinese.
- #3622 : The toolbar in the v2
skin was wrapping improperly in some languages.
- #4119 : Unable to edit image link with image dialog.
- #4117 : Fixed dialog error when transforming image into button.
- #4058 : [FF] wysiwyg mode is sometimes not been activated.
- #4114 : [IE] RTE + IE6/IE7 Quirks = dialog mispositoned.
- #4123 : Some dialog buttons were broken in IE7 quirks.
- #4122 : [IE] The image dialog
was being rendered improperly when loading an image with long URL.
- #4144 : Fixed the white-spaces at the end of <pre> is incorrectly removed.
- #4143 : Fixed element id is lost when extracting contents from the range.
- #4007 : [IE] Source area overflow from editor chrome.
- #4145 : Fixed the on demand
("basic") loading model of the editor.
- #4139 : Fixed list plugin regression of [3903].
- #4147 : Unify style text normalization logic when comparing styles.
- #4150 : Fixed enlarge list result incorrect at the inner boundary of block.
- #4164 : Now it is possible to paste text
in Source mode even if forcePasteAsPlainText = true.
- #4129 : [FF]Unable to remove list with Ctrl-A.
- #4172 : [Safari] The trailing
<br> was not been always added to blank lines ending with .
- #4178 : It's now possible to
copy and paste Flash content among different editor instances.
- #4193 : Automatic font color produced empty span on Firefox 3.5.
- #4186 : [FF] Fixed First open float panel cause host page scrollbar blinking.
- #4227 : Fixed destroy editor instance created on textarea which is not within form cause error.
- #4240 : Fixed editor name containing hyphen break editor completely.
- #3828 : Malformed nested list is now corrected by the parser.
CKEditor 3.0 RC
Changelog starts at this release.